Terms and Conditions
Mastercard Isenção de Rolha O Benefício Mastercard Isenção de Rolha is a campaign by Mastercard Brasil Soluções de Pago Ltda., a limited company, registered with the CNPJ/MF under nº 05.577.343/0001-37, with headquarters at Avenida das Nações Unidas, 14.171 , 19th and 20th floors, Crystal Tower, CEP 04794-000, in the city of São Paulo, State of São Paulo, hereinafter referred to as "Promoter", in partnership with Voice Editora e Publicações Ltda., limited liability company, registered with the CNPJ/MF under nº 08.162.394/0001-96, with headquarters at Rua da Quitanda 86, room 201, Centro, in the city of Rio de Janeiro, State of Rio de Janeiro, hereinafter referred to as “Partner”.
How the Benefit Works
Mastercard Isenção de Rolha is a benefit through which Mastercard cardholders are exempt from the corkage fee on the first bottle in restaurants participating in the Benefit. To take advantage of the benefit, the cardholder simply goes to one of the partner restaurants, presents one of the Mastercard® Black or Mastercard® Platinum cards and makes the payment using one of these respective cards. The list of participating restaurants is available on the website www.priceless.com/isencaoderolha. Reservations are not mandatory, but advisable. The benefit will only be valid for one bottle per table, as long as the customer consumes at least one main dish. This offer is only valid at the restaurant addresses indicated on the aforementioned website and cannot be combined with other promotions from participating restaurants.
Duration Period
The duration of this Benefit starts from the publication data of this Regulation and ends according to the opening hours of the participating restaurants, on December 30, 2026 or until stocks run out, whichever comes first. The Promoter may cancel the Benefit by communicating to participants at least 60 (sixty) days in advance of the cancellation date.
Participating Cards
Mastercard® Black (credit) or Mastercard® Platinum (debit and credit) cards participate in this Benefit.
Communication between Promoter and Participant
All communications to participants regarding the Benefit rules may be made via email. It is the participant's obligation to check whether their AntiSpam system has blocked the message, as the Promoter will not be responsible for events of this nature. The Promoter is not responsible for failure to receive information sent to the participant's e-mail, as Internet products may fluctuate and/or problems may occur on the world wide web that make it impossible to deliver the e-mail, either due to problems on the servers involved, email server settings, provider or user settings, AntiSpam tool settings, among others.
General Provisions
Participation in this Benefit will imply full and unrestricted acceptance of all terms of this Regulation. All participants must observe the conditions, forms and deadlines for participation, with participants who commit any type of fraud being summarily excluded and subject to criminal and civil liability. The Promoter is not responsible for any unavailability of the computer/telephony system of the participating restaurants and other losses experienced by the participant, as well as for any defects and defects in the provision of delivery of the products of this Benefit, being the sole and exclusive responsibility of the participating restaurants. The participating restaurant may, in agreement with the Promoter, change the products of this Benefit, as long as this change is duly communicated on the website www.priceless.com/isencaoderolha. The deadlines indicated in these Regulations may be changed during the Benefit, as long as they are previously communicated on the Benefit Website. The Benefit never requests or sends emails asking participants for their card security code and/or passwords. In case of doubts and disputes related to these Regulations, the holder or additional member of the participating card will contact the Customer Service, through Contact Us, available on the website www.priceless.com/isencaoderolha.