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Nadace Mucha

The Mucha Foundation is an independent non-profit charity. It was founded in 1992 after the death of the artist's son Jiří by his wife Geraldina Muchová together with their only son John Mucha. He manages the largest and most comprehensive collection of Alfons Mucha's works in the world.

The main mission of the foundation is:

- in cooperation with the Mucha Trust, to take care of the artistic heritage of Alfons Mucha and thus contribute to its preservation - to promote the work of Alfons Mucha, to promote the artistic legacy of Jiří and Geraldina Muchová.

Mucha was deeply convinced that art was of indispensable benefit to humanity and that it should be made available to the widest possible public.

The Mucha Foundation is therefore actively working to promote the work of Alfons Mucha:

- organization of exhibitions around the world - publishing activities - administration of the Mucha Museum in Prague.

The Mucha Foundation is respected as the worldwide guarantor of Alfons Mucha's artistic legacy.
